What's Your Hourly Rate?

How much are you worth an hour?.png

Have you ever stopped to consider how much you are worth an hour? Let's go through the steps together and I trust you will come to the conclusion that you should work less! I mean it ;) Stay with me here.....

220 work days of 8 hours each day in 1 year. $100,000 a year would equal $56.81/hour however I don't know about you but it's not true. You don't work a total of 8 hours in one day. Let's just say that 3 hours a day are TRULY working hours of productivity. 

220 work days of 3 hours each day. $100,000 a year would equal $151.51 an hour. 

So knowing that you are earning $151.51 an hour, let's reconsider the tasks that you do throughout the day. 

  • Driving

  • Shopping

  • Consulting

  • Selling

  • Counseling

  • Encouraging

  • Researching

Does it change the way you look at the tasks you HAVE TO DO? It should. 

I remember years ago, I sold Partylite candles as a candle consultant. I loved the work. I would have friends host a party and invite all their friends and co-workers and neighbors over for our candle party. I would come up with themed parties, call everyone to confirm the guest list, present the latest and greatest candles and scents then collect the orders. When it was all said and done, a "great sales night" could be anywhere from $2000-$3000 in sales which was great however when I stopped to think about the time, effort and energy I put into it, I wasn't making much an hour at all. I knew I had to find a way to work SMARTER not HARDER. 

That's when I came across the book "Life Makeovers" by Cheryl Richardson.  I loved this book because at the end of every chapter, there was a suggested reading list and take action type questions. I remember thinking I want to make an impact on peoples lives by being a real estate agent. But I was clueless. I had no degree, no formal education beyond some college... who would trust me? Where would I find training and mentoring that I desperately needed? 

I researched online and studied to get my real estate exam and never looked back. I have shared my story about real estate numerous places but this quick video sums up how I found a way to create 4 income streams. Check it out and let me know if you are ready to learn how? I am looking for others to mentor and train. Message me for more info.