Are You a Single Mom? Do You Know One? Read This...

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Are you a single mom?

I've been there.

I will never forget the day I had to go look at apartments alone. I had been living in a huge, beautiful house as a family. But now it was time for me to face the reality of renting a small place for just me and the kids.

Divorce sucks. Until you're a single parent, you can't understand the stress and pressure that goes along with it. I know I didn’t until I experienced it myself.

But I refused to believe that I couldn’t have a successful, joyful and financially secure life.

It was hard. I'm not gonna lie. But I found other single moms to inspire and encourage me. I refused to believe the lie that everything would be a struggle because I was on my own.

If you are where I was, I want to help.  I have learned to, not only survive, but THRIVE on my own. Fast forward a few years and I even found a way to buy a place of my own. I built a great business and I truly believe that you can do the same.

Watch this video and then send me a message at I can't wait to hear from you!

Single Mom?


I've been there. I will never forgot the day I had to go look at apartments alone. I had been living in a huge, big, beautiful house as a family and now it was time for me to face the reality of renting a small place for just me and the kids. Divorce sucks. I refused to believe that I was going to become a statistic. I chose LIFE instead of struggle. It was hard, I'm not gonna lie but I was determined to find other successful single moms to inspire me and I refused to believe the lie that everything would be a struggle. Until you're a single parent, you can't understand all that it involves. I want to help. 

I remember reading countless self help books and left feeling like I didn't have anyone I could confide in about finances or mindset struggles of a single mom. If that's you, I want to help.  I have learned to not only survive but THRIVE and fast forward a few years and I found a way to buy a place of my own, build a great business of my own and I want to help you do the same!  

Watch the video on the home page called "Rebecca Math" and then send me a message. I can't wait to hear from you. 

Mega Mom Event!


Are you a Realtor,  balancing your business with your role as a mom? I am too! If you're in the Greater Seattle area, consider joining me and other mom-agents for my Mega Mom Mastermind event.

I'm hosting this opportunity for collaboration and support on Monday, October 2nd from 12-1:30PM. Lunch will be provided by my friends at Eagle Home Mortgage, Stephen Wright and Sunny Wilson. Just bring yourself, your ideas and your questions and we'll have a great conversation.

The event is free, but seating is limited. To reserve your spot, RSVP to Kate Roussell Favaloro at today. Contact me with any questions.

Hope to see you there!